Ode to Justified

This was something about which I had to keep my trap shut. Now, all can be revealed.

This season is the final one for the FX network show, “Justified”. This show has been a favorite of mine from the get-go. It has great characters, crackling dialogue, and like most of the original programming on FX, it pulls no punches. I highly suggest Netflix-ing it if you don’t already watch.
A few weeks back, I was approached by my friend, John Harrington, who is the Prop Master for the show. It is customary for cast and crew departments to exchange gifts at the end of a series. John wanted to do something unique. Knowing my fondness for caricature, he hired me to create this painting. John wanted something a little reminiscent of Jack Davis in style and humor, but not as kinetic. I sketched up a few ideas and we went with a portrait of the main characters hanging out in Johnny’s Bar.
Even though we decided to limit it to the main cast, I had to try and get some of the other terrific characters from the show into the painting as well. I included as many “shout outs” as possible in the background, not the least of which being author and creator of Raylan Givens, Elmore Leonard. ..and yes, just like on the show, everyone is packing heat! Prints were made and are being distributed to the cast and crew even as I type this post. I do hope they like them. It was a tremendous honor and pleasure to be able to give something back to one of my favorite shows on television!
"Ode to Justified" 18 x 24. Acrylic on Masonite. © Mark Tavares
“Ode to Justified” 18 x 24. Acrylic on Masonite. © Mark Tavares
The even better news is that once the cast and crew get theirs, I can offer prints for sale through my Fine Art America store. So, stay tuned!
Thanks for looking!
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