I’m Back!

Hello and welcome to 2018..about six months late! Just a short post today to apologize for neglecting my site and to update all you good folks on what has been happening around MarkTavares.com!

I really do apologize for the lack of activity around here. It is not due to laziness I assure you. 2018 has been quite busy thus far. I have been involved in at least three group art shows through both the Creature Features and Mystic Museum Galleries in Burbank. The paintings for those shows have been added to my main “Current Work” gallery. (Unfortunate side note: About one month ago, Creature Features had to close the doors on their brick and mortar operation. The lease rates in the area were getting to be a bit much for them. The good news is that they are still around online and will be doing a variety of pop-up shows in the months to come!) During this time, I also decided it was time to get myself back into the retail arena. The best way to sell art is still face to face. With that in mind, in mid April I was lucky enough to become a vendor at the big Monsterpalooza show in Pasadena. After such a long absence from the show circuit of my “Humerus” days, it felt great to get back into harness. It was a really eye-opening experience!

This brings us to the first of June and the big news that I have finally opened my own online art store! This was inspired by my Monsterpalooza experience. I have had a print-on-demand store through Fine Art America for a few years now. They are a fine operation but given their size it is very easy to get lost in the crowd. Also, I had no access to any of the sales contact info. I want to start developing a more personal one-to-one relationship with my clients. The shows, and now this store, are the keys to doing just that. I am starting off slow and just putting up some prints. Eventually I will be putting up originals for sale as well. Please come and visit the new store by clicking here or the “Buy My Art” link at the top of the page.

It’s an exciting time with a  lot of changes coming. As always, you can stay up to date by following my Instagram and other social media feeds.

Thanks for looking!


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