Once again, Creature Features is sponsoring an exciting Group Art Show and I am very proud to be included in it. This year, the animated classic “Iron Giant” turns 15. The folks at Creature Features put together a fun show with a lot of great artists to celebrate the occasion. The show opened last evening, 11/8, and will run through Sunday 11/23.
My contribution drew inspiration from the magnificent painted covers of classic Gold Key comic books like, “Lost in Space”, “Dr. Solar”, “Turok, Son of Stone”, and my favorite, “Magnus Robot Fighter”. Like “Magnus”, the Iron Giant’s antagonist, Kent Mansley, thought of himself as a “Robot Fighter”. He would, of course, be cast as the hero in his own “Alternate Universe” comic book. He even has a name very similar to “Magnus”. So, there is was. Once I had finished the painting, the project wasn’t going to be complete until I scanned it and put together a composite of the full “cover” in Photoshop. Here they both are, side by side…

Prints will be available in my Fine Art America store very soon! Thanks for looking!!