Welcome to the brand new year everyone! My family and I had a wonderful Holiday. I hope you all did as well.
One of the great things that happens around this time of year is the “SyFy” channel’s three day marathon of “Twilight Zone” episodes. Just having them on during the day as we went about our Holiday routine provided a wonderful soundtrack to our New Year’s weekend. Rod Serling’s creation while dated in some superficial aspects, continues to stand the test of time. The stories are as powerful today as they were when first broadcast.
Rod Serling himself has always been a fascinating character to me. His onscreen manner as the host of “The Twilight Zone” with his trademark tight-lipped delivery and ever-present cigarette is the stuff of TV legend. I had made attempts in the past to capture his likeness in a sketch but I was never completely successful. Having binge watched all five seasons over the weekend, and then having seen a fellow artist’s rendering of the man, I was inspired to try to capture Mr. Serling’s likeness once more.

Not a bad way to start the new year, if you ask me! As with my other works, this painting is for sale. Please contact me if interested. I will also be selling prints through my Fine Art America store.
I am looking forward to the artistic challenges this new year will bring, both with my personal work and the reinvigorating of my business, Humerus. Of course, commission work is always welcome! 🙂
Thanks for looking and have a Happy 2016!